Mayacaceae {family} - Tracheophyta; Liliopsida; Poales;

Genera (1)
  1. Mayaca [15]

Mayaca is a genus of flowering plants, often placed in its own family, the Mayacaceae (or Mayaceae in earlier systems). In the APG II system of 2003, it is assigned to the order Poales in the clade commelinids. The Cronquist system, of 1981, also recognised such a family and placed it in the order Commelinales in the subclass Commelinidae. The group is widely distributed in Latin America from Mexico to Argentina, as well as in the West Indies, the southeastern United States, and central Africa. full article at Wikipedia

Specimen Records: 15 Public Records: 12
Specimens with Sequences: 39 Public Species: 3
Specimens with Barcodes: 20 Public BINs: 0
Species: 4          
Species With Barcodes: 4          

Specimen Depositories: Sequencing Labs:
Sequencing Labs
images representing subtaxa of Mayacaceae
 (Mayaca - RO_046)  @11 [ ] Copyright (2016) Ryan. D. Orton African Centre for DNA Barcoding
  Sample ID:
Copyright (2016)
  License Holder:
Ryan. D. Orton, African Centre for DNA Barcoding

Collected from 3 countries.
Top 20:
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Brazil7South Africa2Colombia1
